indurad iStockpile4D™ radar machine vision system.

iStockpile4D™ radar machine vision system provides a Stockpile-as-a-Servicesolution for ore, salt or coal stockpile management from ROM to product pile. The digital-reality is based on actual3D radar scanning plus a next generation neutron generationelemental analyser exceeding mathematical modelling. Itreduces product and process variation and is unearthingsignificant multi-million dollar values in productivity andprofitability.

Reducing process variation

indurad’s iStockpile4D™ is a radar machine vision ‘Stockpile-as-a-Service’ solution for ore, salt or coal stockpile management from ROM to product pile. The digital-reality is based on actual 3D radar scanning plus a next generation neutron generation elemental analyser exceeding mathematical modelling. It reduces product and process variation and the company says is unearthing significant multi-million dollar values in productivity and profitability.indurad was already a pioneer being part of RioTinto’s Mine of the Future program some 10 years ago with smart instrumentation and machine vision in mine outload optimisation.

Today all 14 Rio Tinto Iron Ore (RTIO) mine sites in the Pilbara have been fitted with indurad technology, including an iStockpile4D and iLoadoutG5 solution at the flagship Gudai-Darri highly automated mine. Reik Winkel, indurad Executive Officer told IM: “indurad solutions are geometric measurement solutions feeding easy to digest data to the process control system and SCADA, where we assist with a global network of system integrators using Rockwell, Siemens and Schneider PLC, MES and SCADA systems beyond advanced views via Qt-based graphical engines with 4K HDMI output for remote operation centres or HTML5 web output on premise within the IT or OT network.” Mining is full of uncertainties and variance. indurad argues that while these cannot be eliminated – they can be significantly managed and mitigated. The indurad technology is focusing on this stack. “Our iCrusher allows the identification of oversize, our iStockpile5D allows monitoring and homogenisation of product quality and reduction of segregation. The maritime industry has been pioneering in the use of radar for adverse environmental conditions – indurad brought this success to mining allowing machine vision under dust, water suppression, fog and snow. iApron and iBelt allow reduction of spillage and avoidance of blocked chutes as well as lifetime extension of feeders. Finally,teleremote operation and full automation with iStacker and iReclaimer allow management of the human factor.”

Please read the article or download it now and visit International Mining.

Software Solutions in Detail

Bulk flow


Conveyor belt flow & belt misalignment, condition monitoring & wear


Gyratory | Jaw | Crusher Vault


Tertiary | Cone Crusher


Apron & plate feeder 2D level and material volume


Screendeck performance and material yield measurement


Chute blockage detection and material flow monitoring


Level measurement, blockage detection and material flow monitoring

Bulk volume


3D silo volume measurement + rathole detection monitoring


3D dome volume measurement, material tracking and feeder control


3D stockpile scanning, quality model and automation


3D stockpile scanning, quality model and automation


3D stockpile scanning, quality model and automation

Train logistics


Train loadout productivity increase by automation


Waggon unloader automation and material tracking



Stacker Automation, incl. 3D pile monitoring & material tracking


Material quality control and tracking, blending automation


Reclaimer automation and collision avoidance

Proximity & Positioning


Level9 collision avoidance for underground vehicles & personnel


Level9 collision avoidance for underground vehicles & personnel

Machine Positioning

IPCC automation and heavy machine positioning solutions

Machine Positioning

IPCC automation and heavy machine positioning solutions



Shiploader collision avoidance, 3D hatch scan and full automation


Horizontal and vertical boom CAS, 3D hatch scan and automation


Vessel detection and ship guidance system for berthing operations

Our business model


Monthly payments, subscription services


Project based implementation as capital expenditure


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Diverse management team driving customer success.

Global Presence

global presence

Cross-industry partner network for sales and service - always close to the customer.

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